> 春节2024 > 过年走亲访友用英语怎么说




根据字典的查询结果,我们可以将“走亲访友”翻译为“visit relatives and friends”。这是一个常见的表达方式,可以准确传达我们去拜访亲戚朋友的含义。


在春节期间,中国人经常会走亲访友,相互祝福。我们可以将这句话翻译为:“During the Spring Festival, people visiting their friends and relatives and exchanging blessings。” 这种表达方式既能够准确传达我们在春节期间走亲访友和互相祝福的意思,同时也能体现出中国春节的独特文化。


除了走亲访友,中国人在春节期间还有登高望远的习俗。我们可以将这句话翻译为:\"During the Spring Festival, people not only visit their dear friends, but also take a long-term perspective by climbing mountains and looking far into the distance.\" 这种表达方式准确地传达了我们在春节期间不仅走亲访友,还有登高望远的习俗,进一步展示了中国春节的多样性。


1:We visited our relatives. 这句话准确地表达了我们走亲访友的意思。

2:Everyone gets a haircut. 这样的翻译形象地描述了中国人在春节前都喜欢理发的习俗。

3:The color red symbolizes good luck. 这个表达方式准确地说明了红色在中国文化中代表好运的含义。

4:During the Spring Festival, we wear new clothes. 这种表达方式直接传达了中国人在春节期间喜欢穿新衣服的习俗。


1: Spring Festival is an important festival in China. 这样的翻译准确地说明了春节在中国是一个重要的节日。

2: Before the festival, people should do a thorough cleaning. 这个表达方式形象地描述了中国人在春节前会进行大扫除的习俗。

3: The whole family should visit relatives and friends together. 这种表达方式准确地传达了中国人春节期间全家一起走亲访友的习俗。


1: Spring Festival is an important day for Chinese people, which is the time for family to get together and exchange greetings. 这句话准确地传达了春节对中国人来说是一个重要的日子,家庭团聚并相互问候的意义。

2: Everyone enjoys the Spring Festival. 这样简洁的表达方式准确地说明了每个人都喜欢春节。


Spring Festival is an important festival in China. It is a day for family reunion. Children wear new clothes and visit relatives and friends. People exchange blessings when they meet. 这种表达方式准确地说明了春节是中国一个重要的节日,是全家团聚的日子,孩子们会穿新衣服,走亲访友,并在见面时互相祝福。


Spring Festival usually comes in January or February. Before the festival, every family is busy cleaning and buying New Year goods. 这种表达方式准确地描述了春节通常是在一月或二月,节前每个家庭都忙着打扫卫生和购买年货的情景。

英语小作文,春节Spring Festival提示单词lunar calendar放鞭炮.

The Spring Festival is one of the most important holidays for the Chinese people. It usually comes in accordance with the lunar calendar. One of the customs during this festival is setting off fireworks. 这样的表达方式准确地说明了春节是中国人最重要的节日之一,通常按照农历来计算。在这个节日中,放鞭炮是一个传统习俗。

根据下面的简要提示,以“Spring Festival”为题,用英语写一篇短文
