> 文章列表 > 春节贴春联吉利吗英文





During the Spring Festival, it is common for people to set off firecrackers and put up couplets.

In Chinese culture, setting off firecrackers is believed to drive away evil spirits and bring good luck. The loud noise and bright lights are supposed to frighten away any negative energy and ensure a prosperous year ahead. The tradition of setting off firecrackers during the Spring Festival has been passed down for generations.

As for putting up couplets, it is considered an auspicious decoration during the Spring Festival. Couplets are short poetic phrases written on red paper and pasted on doors or walls. They typically consist of a pair of lines and a horizontal scroll, conveying good wishes, blessings, and hopes for the coming year.

The act of putting up couplets not only adds a festive atmosphere to the household but also symbolizes the anticipation of a good year. It is believed that the couplets can bring blessings, good fortune, and drive away evil spirits. In addition, the red color of the paper is also considered lucky in Chinese culture.

In English, we can express the act of setting off firecrackers as \"setting off fireworks\" or \"bursting firecrackers.\" As for putting up couplets, we can simply say \"putting up Spring Festival couplets\" or \"pasting Spring Festival couplets.\"


The English translation of \"春节\" is \"Spring Festival,\" which is a highly significant festival in Chinese culture. It is widely celebrated across the country, and people eagerly anticipate its arrival every year.

The Spring Festival marks the beginning of the lunar year and is considered a time for family reunions. It is a time when people gather together, exchange gifts, and feast on traditional delicacies. The festival is filled with joy, excitement, and a sense of renewal.

During the Spring Festival, various customs and traditions are observed, such as setting off firecrackers, putting up couplets, and making dumplings. These customs are believed to bring good luck, prosperity, and happiness to the family.

In terms of decorations, red is the predominant color during the Spring Festival. Red lanterns are hung to create a festive ambiance, and red envelopes filled with money are given as gifts to children and unmarried individuals.

To sum up, the Spring Festival is not only a time for celebration but also a time to honor traditions, strengthen family bonds, and look forward to a new beginning.


春联(Chunlian)是Chinese traditional culture的一种,通常用红纸写成,并贴在门上或墙壁上,以庆祝新春佳节。春联通常由一对对联和一条横批组成,是一种具有...

The Spring Festival couplets, known as \"春联\" in Chinese, are an integral part of Chinese traditional culture. They are typically written on red paper and pasted on doors or walls to celebrate the arrival of the Lunar New Year.

The content of Spring Festival couplets varies, but they often convey good wishes, blessings, and hopes for the coming year. The poetic phrases are carefully chosen to express auspicious sentiments and bring good luck to the household.

A pair of couplets consists of two lines that complement each other in terms of theme and structure. The lines are usually concise and rhythmic, often employing rhymes and other poetic techniques. The horizontal scroll, known as \"横批,\" is placed above the door or between the couplets and symbolizes the overall theme or message of the couplets.

For example, a common content of Spring Festival couplets could be:

上联(First line): \"家和万事兴\" (Harmony in the family brings prosperity in all matters)

下联(Second line): \"福禄临门迎\" (Fortune and blessings arrive at the doorstep)

横批(Horizontal scroll): \"四季平安\" (Peace throughout the four seasons)

These couplets express the desire for family harmony, good fortune, and a peaceful life.


Spring Festival couplets are an essential decoration during the Lunar New Year.

People paste these couplets on their doors or walls to bring good luck and blessings for the coming year. They are written on red paper and typically consist of a pair of lines that convey auspicious wishes.

The act of pasting Spring Festival couplets is not only a traditional practice but also a way to create a festive atmosphere and showcase the joyous spirit of the festival. It adds a touch of charm to the households and serves as a symbol of hope and renewal for the new year.

By pasting Spring Festival couplets, people express their wishes for a prosperous and harmonious year, filled with happiness, success, and good fortune.


1、 上联: \"Great peace, great wealth, and great luck.\" 下联: \"New year, new joys, and a new century.\"横批: \"Everyt...\"

These couplets convey the wishes for a year filled with peace, wealth, luck, joy, and new beginnings. The choice of words reflects the desire for prosperity, happiness, and a successful future.


stick couplets - 贴春联hang lanterns - 挂灯笼set off fireworks - 放焰火

During the Spring Festival, it is common to stick couplets, hang lanterns, and set off fireworks. These activities contribute to the festive atmosphere and symbolize good luck, prosperity, and the celebration of a new beginning.


Pasted couplets - 贴春联Spring Festival gathering - 过年聚会Dumpling - 饺子Chinese dumpling, tortellini

Pasting couplets is a common practice during the Spring Festival, symbolizing good luck and blessings for the new year. Spring Festival gatherings bring family and friends together to celebrate the holiday. Dumplings, known as \"饺子,\" are a traditional dish eaten during the Spring Festival and hold cultural significance. They represent reunion and abundance.

“春联”的英文怎么说 - 懂得

The English translation for \"春联\" is \"spring couplets\" or \"spring scrolls.\" These couplets are an important aspect of the Spring Festival celebration and are considered auspicious decorations that bring blessings and good fortune.


过年是人们都干什么 (What do people do during the Spring Festival)

放鞭炮 - fire a gun; shoot off firecrackers贴对联 - placard couplet包饺子 - make dumplings

The Spring Festival, also known as the Chinese New Year, is a time when people come together to celebrate and participate in various customs and traditions.

One of the popular customs is to set off firecrackers, which is believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck. It is a way to start the new year with joy and excitement.

Another common practice is to hang couplets on doors or walls. It is believed that the couplets can bring blessings, prosperity, and good fortune to the household.

Additionally, making dumplings is also a significant tradition during the Spring Festival. It symbolizes reunion and represents wealth and abundance.

These customs and traditions are deeply rooted in Chinese culture and hold great importance in bringing good luck, happiness, and prosperity for the new year.